Not all couples will hire a wedding coordinator, nonetheless, it’s important to know wedding ceremony etiquette. I have outline the following tips to help you avoid 4 common wedding ceremony mistakes:
Back in the day, the boutonnière was originally worn through the buttonhole so that the flower could sit in a mini tube of water and stay fresh. Today, flowers are pinned directly to the lapel of the suit, jacket, or blazer. Boutonnières are placed on the left side above a man’s heart, with the stem pointing straight down.
Whether escorting a guest or walking down the aisle, women are to be on the left side of the man. This etiquette dates back to history when men needed to keep their right hand free in the event that they needed to draw a weapon to protect their Bride. A play-on-words I use to remember is “ladies on the left”. Moreover, an exception to this formation is Jewish Wedding Ceremonies. In this case, the women do stand on the right (according to received traditions, the right side is symbolic of God’s loving kindness).
With all the attention of guests looking, nerves subconsciously make ladies want to raise their bouquets. To avoid this from happening I instruct ladies to: first, place your bouquet in hands with the pins holding the stem wrap facing your body. Next, allow the stems to “hang” by moving your hands up to where the head of the flowers begin. Lastly, place your thumb at belly button to center and slightly extend arms down. I believe this bouquet placement visually gives your figure an hourglass shape.
I’m noticing it’s more popular for a Bride to be escorted down the aisle by both parents. I love this concept, however, I see so many photo/videos where improper arm linking causes unsynchronized walking. The better way to position yourself for walking with both parents is: first, for the bride to hold her bouquet. Next, parents to bring an arm on the inside of her elbow. Lastly, parents place their hand under her forearm. This not only visually looks better, it also helps the bride support her heavy bouquet. See photos of how to walk with both parents >> HERE <<
In conclusion, putting these tips into practice will ensure you have a successful wedding ceremony that flows smoothly and photographs beautifully!
I organize upscale weddings for down-to-earth couples who appreciate a luxurious ambiance and love a great party.
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